Our team

The Team

Behind Innerheal Therapy

Meet the team
Meet the co-founders

A team of experienced Mental Health Professionals

Priyanka Jain


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Neha Agarwal


Mauris accumsan urna eu pharetra elementum. Suspendisse potenti.Vestibulum ut quam luctus, pharetra dui sed, rutrum felis. Vestibulum tellus ipsum, rhoncus sed suscipit a, eleifend in.


Our vision is to create a world where mental health is viewed as an integral aspect of overall well-being, where seeking support is a sign of strength, and everyone has access to high-quality, culturally sensitive mental health care. We envision a community where individuals not only overcome challenges but also flourish in their personal and interpersonal lives, fostering a ripple effect of positive change.
This vision is drawn from witnessing challenges faced by our loved ones and also our own personal mental health challenges, which is a powerful motivator in our work. It combines professional objectives with a heartfelt understanding of the impact of mental health on individuals and families, aiming to make meaningful changes in the field.


Our mission is to provide compassionate, individualised, and evidence-based psychological care to those struggling with mental health issues. Influenced by personal journey alongside a family member's mental health challenges, we are dedicated to understanding each person's unique story and tailoring our approach to meet their specific needs. We aim to create a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where clients feel heard, understood, and empowered. As a Queer Affirmative mental health space we respect, accept and advocate for our clients. Our intersectional approach to therapy has enabled us to provide a space that is welcoming to all identities, age-groups, socio-economic backgrounds, religions and politics. As practitioners we acknowledge our privilege and carry that acknowledgement into the space we create for our clients




years of combined experience


trained professionals

Journey of Our

Two school friends named Priyanka and Neha embarked on a journey that would enlighten the path to healing and hope. Their friendship, forged through years of shared joys and challenges, became the bedrock upon which they built their ambitious vision.

Neha, with her empathetic nature, and Priyanka, armed with a deep sense of purpose, decided to channel their collective energy into creating a mental health counselling centre, that would serve as a sanctuary for those experiencing inner struggles.

They both witnessed to the silent difficulties of their friends and family, hidden behind smiles and laughter. From the shadows of anxiety to the depths of depression, they recognized the urgent need for a sanctuary of solace and support in times of turmoil.

Their journey began with humble beginnings, fuelled by nothing but a flicker of determination and an unwavering belief. With each coat of paint and every piece of furniture carefully chosen, they breathed life into their shared dream and vision, a space where hearts could heal and souls could soar, infusing it with warmth and compassion.

Together, they forged a haven of healing, where scars were not signs of weakness but testaments to the resilience of the human spirit.
The values we follow
We are now open in Hyderabad.

Drop us a visit.